
Summer Fades Reviews

"If you think that kids have it easy these days, you have not been listening to them. Our teens are in trouble. Specifically, our teen girls are in trouble. In this gripping account, Amanda Bews explores abuse, self-punishment and pain in the context of the normal and healthy activities associated with being an adolescent. Thisbook dares to tackle issues that are not uncommon in the experience of adolescent girls in Australia; every therapist has heard the stories, sat with the pain and contained their own anger and sense of helplessness. Bews’ book is honest, direct, captivating, edgy and relevant. Summer Fades is not written to make you feel comfortable. It is written to highlight issues and to leave the reader with a hope born in the belief that change and healing can, and do, occur. In this, her second novel, Bews writes with clarity, passion and a deep understanding of the relevant emotional issues that young people grapple with. This book also demonstrates an ongoing maturing of her literary style. Like her first book, Summer Fades is an excellent resource for parents, youth workers, school counsellors and teachers."
—Paul Bogacs, Adventist Counselling Service, Sydney